You are viewing a clip from the Care & Discipleship Podcast.

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Yeah. Let’s take the issue of living with an angry husband, my workshop, it’s wives who are coming and saying, “I need help.” Often it’s, though, it’s because their children are feeling threatened. Maybe a husband has pushed a son up against a wall, pinned him against a wall. And she’s going, “We need help.” She may be willing to endure what she’s going through but when it touches her kids, she’s out there and she’s saying, “I need somebody to come alongside.”

A lady like that might be hesitant to go to her pastor especially if her husband is part of the leadership. But if a wise woman is in the church, someone not even trained in the ultimate sense, but someone who’s a friend, who’s already involved in her life or she knows that she can go to and this lady is going to keep a confidence, this lady will give her wise counsel, biblical counsel, then that lady also should be prepared to come in and sit with this woman. Even in marriage counseling, to have a female sitting there listening to the counseling, I think is a great benefit. You’re going to get a two-for-one that way.