How to Respond to Difficult People

How to Respond to Difficult People

Because we live in a sin-soaked world, we are all surrounded by difficult people. They are our neighbors, our relatives, they attend our church, drive on the roads…sinners are everywhere! The Bible gives us tools to help us live alongside the unlovable. The Lord Jesus...
Should a Wife be Jealous?

Should a Wife be Jealous?

The Bible clearly teaches that one type of jealousy is a sinful desire of the flesh which is set against the Spirit. It is in the list of works of the flesh in Galatians 5:19-21. James 3:16 says that jealousy brings disorder and every vile practice. So should a wife...

A New Phase for the Newheisers

Full swing – that term comes readily to mind to describe this new phase of life for IBCD’s Executive Director Jim Newheiser and his wife Caroline. For anyone who knows this couple it will come as little surprise that both of them are already knee-deep in...