Poor, Misunderstood Hannah

Poor, Misunderstood Hannah

Communication is difficult for all of us. Barriers occur between those with racial, socio-economic, and generational differences. Then there are gender differences. The tendency to evaluate people and situations according to our experiences can cause a breakdown in...

The Danger of Gossip in Counseling

Recent news reports have revealed the sad reality of several adult women who were victims of sexual misconduct by a man in spiritual leadership. The following article offers suggestions for the counselor who has the opportunity to counsel women in similar situations.1...

A Mother's Story of Prayer and Fasting for Her Prodigal

The mother of a prodigal often feels helpless and despairing as she watches her child choose folly over faith. This can lead to a spiritual turmoil in the heart of the parent. This workshop will look at the role of prayer and fasting in strengthening the...
Helping Women Respond Biblically to Anger

Helping Women Respond Biblically to Anger

The Situation I know of a wife who was married to a man who was rude and harsh. She tried to protect her husband from his poor decisions. Once, her husband profoundly insulted someone, which caused that person to become enraged. When she heard of it, she took some of...

Postpartum Depression

How does Scripture speak to women struggling with Postpartum Depression? In this podcast, Caroline Newheiser speaks with Ann Maree Goudzwaard about the strength, promises, hope, and resurrection power found in God’s sustaining Word. Download MP3 Audio For more...