Apr 27, 2020 | Counseling
Since the COVID-19 outbreak, many counselors have discontinued in-person counseling in favor of remote methods. Thankfully, communication technology has exploded in the past few years. Some will counsel by phone, others by a means which allows “face-to-face”...
Dec 6, 2019 | Counseling, Methodology
I have been asked, “How do I know when to end a counseling relationship?” For example, you have been meeting with a woman for a while but aren’t sure if she is ready to graduate. You addressed her initial problem, and now your meetings are beginning to look more like...
Apr 10, 2019 | Blog, Counseling
Let’s face it, experienced counselors can wind up in a rut. We have our favorite methods, verses, and personal stories. We may draw the same diagram on the whiteboard to emphasize the same point to different counselees. Sanctification is our emphasis time and time...