Counseling Sexually Abused Women and Children

Because sexual abuse is so prevalent women counselors need to understand how the Bible helps females who have been sexually abused. This workshop will examine the biblical way to deal with the shame and emotional pain of the victim and the role of the church in...

Helping Women Who Are Married But Lonely

Many married women feel alone and isolated from their spouse. How can we help women who find themselves in this situation? What does the Bible have to say about the intimacy we should have in marriage, and what should we do when we find our expectations are not being...

Graceless Sex

How can sex be graceless? This workshop, for women only, will explore the sinful attitudes and actions that many women fall in to, that can stifle or even completely kill the physical relationship between husband and wife. Download MP3 Audio Download Outline Notes as...

Grace Sex

What does grace have to do with sex? In this workshop, for women only, you will learn how the grace God has given in Christ can and should overflow into a gracious and healthy physical relationship between husband and wife. Download MP3 Audio Download Outline Notes as...

5 Ways Training in Biblical Counseling Changes Our Lives

I have been counseling from Scripture for over thirty years and have been ACBC (NANC) certified for twenty years. For the past several years, I have been the director of a counseling/training center (IBCD—The Institute for Biblical Counseling and Discipleship in San...